Monday, April 30, 2007
Crazed Revolutionaries
In Antigone Creon calls the girl a crazed revolutionary who has no place speaking against men. This is one of the first times the idea of women revolting against the rules of men has occurred in writing. To ensure justice of mankind woman throughout history have been awfully courageous. When history began to be written down, woman had little power in the world. Their soul purpose was to bear children and then feed and clothe their family. However as the world has progressed woman have become more and more important as a whole in their society. In Rwanda there was a huge genocide by the Hutu's against the Tutsi lasting 100 days where 500,000 Tutsi were slaughtered in attempt to kill a whole race of people. In the process seventy percent of the men were killed. Before the genocide occurred woman in Rwanda had few rights and responsibilities. Woman were not allowed to inherent land. Today this right is given to woman. Now woman hold public positions and are building roads to try to make their country better. Many women were raped by soldiers during the raids. In this process many of these woman acquired the aids epidemic. Many woman lost their children, parents, husbands, and families. After this huge tragedy many of these women are still in high spirits. They say that after the horrible event, at least they achieved more freedom then they had before. Just like Antigone, these women had to be very strong and go through rough times in order to make an impact on the world. It is amazing that in order for positive changes to be made in the world, great sacrifices must be made. The suffering of a few makes a difference to many. By reading accounts in history people can prevent themselves from making similar mistakes in the future.